PART 4: How to Make Money After Becoming A DBS subscriber
If you are here, it means you have come a long way in your journey to financial freedom powered by Direct Bank Saver, DBS. What I will be showing you is nothing but reality simplified! There are no gimmicks in this one. Remember once again that in DBS business;
- This is not networking business – Nothing like Up-line or Down-line. Everyone is a Boss here.
- Nothing like your commission changing as your down-lines improves or dwindle down the line. You don’t have to wait for anyone to succeed and your commission does not fluctuate.
- This is not a referral system where you keep referring people till you reach a certain point. NO!, not in DBS Business System!
Here anybody can make millions – age, sex or experience is not a factor. If you can talk, you can eat. Most times you don’t even need to talk at all. Your works speak for you.
Nothing like selling drug supplements here, you don’t sell even a grain of groundnut or capsule of mutivite tablet!
This is the most ideal system ever! All that is needed to sign you on is only N5500
So having known the above already, I am equally of the view that you have read up the following already. If you have not, I advise you to please check it up before continuing:
PART 1: What is DBS all about?
PART 2: How do I become a DBS subscriber?
PART 3: Detailed steps to register DBS online and activate payments
PART 4: How to make money after becoming a DBS subscriber
PART 5: Special bonus for DBS subscribers
So we are on PART 4 of this series, that is, “How to make millions after becoming a DBS subscriber”.
I’m going to make this very simple, pretty simple for you to absorb. Now, the level to which you can go in DBS business is a function of how many people you have around you and how many more you can get. In essence, let me share the following with you for now:
- Start with the people you know already
- Maximize your use of social media
- Pay advertisers
- Send bulk SMS & Bulk Email
- Hold campaigns, workshops and seminars.
Start with the people you know already
you sure belong to a family don’t you? And you equally have friends and acquaintances don’t you? So what are we saying? What stops you from walking up to these people and introduce this business idea to them? Nothing except doubts and fear!
Walk that off! Start with word of mouth, talk to people around you. These people know you, they would trust you even more. Start building your base from there. It’s the best port of call.
Maximize your use of social media
If all you use social media like Facebook, twitter, whatsapp etc. for is just to chat and post pictures, then you are really wasting so much money away. Why not convert your time into cash and in the midst of your chats, introduce this business idea to your friends on these social media handles?
You could equally pay and advertise with these social media. You don’t necessarily need to own a Facebook page or group in order to advertise there, although doing so is more holistic. If you don’t know how to advertise on these platforms, simply contact me and I’ll put you through. Use the comments box below.
Pay advertisers
Success, real success comes at a prize. The more you put in, the more you get out of life. Nothing goes for anything. If you really want to make it big, you could pay for and place adverts on top sites and get people to register using your DBS Marketing ID. These would convert much faster as you could be registering as much as fifty (50) people a day. Now let’s do the math together;
In a country where about 30million people logon to the internet in Nigeria daily, If only 50 people register with you in a day, that means you will be getting 50 x N4000 = N200, 000 a day!
Now there are about 28 days in a month, ok truncating the weekends (since people would not be able to go deposit money in the banks), we are left with 20 days in the month.
If we multiply N200, 000 by 20days, that leaves you with N4, 000,000 (N4m)
Can you saw what I see? Hahahaha! Sounds impossible right? That is just for 50 people registering with you in a day! I hope you can now see when I said you can make millions in a month with ease. Math don’t tell lies and figures don’t lie. You can play around the figures and see what you can do for yourself. But I must confess, the above is only possible where you use paid adverts on top websites and forums. It takes money to make more money!
Send bulk SMS & Bulk Email
Now, there are a number of bulk SMS websites out there where you can send SMS at cost of as low as N2 per unit. You can simply signup for one and grow your business with them with ease. If you are the type that is really desirous to grow, I can help you in this aspect by using my bulk SMS portal to grow your business for you at very significant low cost because you are my client. You can simply contact me for this and more.
Can we do a little arithmetic together?
Now, if you send bulk sms at N2 or even lower rates than that (instead of the conventional N4 charged by network providers) to say 1000 phone numbers, you would only be sparing N2 x 1000 = N2000
Now let’s say that out of a whopping 1000 persons you contact, 50 persons respond (due to how you are going to strategize your messages), you and the guy that Paid for Online Adverts up there are at same par. I have already done the math above.
Are you interested in marketing your business with bulk sms? I own an SMS portal that would make things work really easy for you and I’ll even subsidize the fees for you.
Also, I have valid phone number database of ALL states in Nigeria which you could use to advertise your business with ease available at very subsidized cost.
Alternatively, you could get my valid email database (over 1.5milion valid Nigerian email address) and also use this to broadcast your business.
There are many more ways to advertise business in Nigeria. These are just few.
Hold campaigns, workshops and seminars.
If the above methods don’t go well with you, what about arranging free campaigns, workshops and seminars for people to come learn something new for free? Just make it free, go to schools, ministries, churches, mosques, hospitals etc.
You could equally share fliers and make announcements on radio/TV/newspapers and other traditional (mass) media.
Remember, nothing good comes without a prize. You do not know how many hours I put into developing these series of articles you are reading now. Everything was typed my myself and it’s pure original content.
I choose to do my own DBS marketing online. This is just my choice, you must not follow me, but if you are desirous to join my style, then why not? Come along, give me a hand and I’ll take you upwards the ladder of success.
So do you have any questions for me? Please drop that as question in the comments box below. I’ll follow it up immediately. I’m always here to help you, because I created this article for you.
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