why you fail, will fail or succeed and keep succeeding - my experience

The only person that can tell you you cannot and you cannot is yourself. But if you assure yourself that you can then you can.

No obstacle in life can pull you down if you do not accept to the tension that shakes you from side to side.

Stand your crown and say, yes! I can - and you will. No excuse giving. You have what it takes to transform the world. Yes, others may have tried and failed but it takes someone to try again and pass.

Their failure was only to teach you pitfalls to avoid, and new routes to success. I am EkeminiEkpo, I've put shame to shame so many times that is why I am never perturb by what comes my way.

I'm not different from you, I only decide to act in a different way to get a different result. I said yes I can, and I won! I don't give in to shame, I don't fail to try, I'm not afraid of what the outcome will be. I take advice but filter out and take only the needful.


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