Major Types Of Eye Defects & 6 Ways To Keep Your Eyes Healthy
Eye defects are simply health problems that affects the eye and may result into some complications.The eye is one of the most important part of the body which enables us to see.The eye is made up of three layers namely: the outer sclera, retina and middle choroid. The sclera is the white of the eye which is responsible for the protection of the inner structures of the eye.
Retina:This is a thin later of cells where images are formed in the eye.It is very sensitive to light.It is located at the back of the eye.
Choroid: The choroid is a layer in the eye which is responsible for the supply of food to the cell of the eye.The choroid lies between the retina and sclera.
Examples of eye defects include: Short sightedness (myopia), Long sightedness (hypermetropia), Astigmatism, colour blindness, conjunctivitis.
Long sightedness (hypermetropia): Long sightedness occurs as a result of the eyeballs being too short or small.Long sightedness is a type of eye defect where by an individual cannot see close objects clearly but is able to see objects far away clearly. The image is formed behind the retina.Long sightedness can be corrigible by using convex lenses.
Short sightedness (myopia):Short sightedness is a defect where only near objects are focused on the retina while distant objects are brought to focus in front of the retina.
It is caused by long eye balls which cannot focus long or distant objects clearly. This type of eye defect can be corrected by wearing concave lenses.
Astigmatism:Astigmatism occurs when the cornea or lens is uneven as a result of old age, light rays are not brought to focus on the retina.Horizontal/vertical figures will appear blurred.It is corrected with cylindrical lenses.
Colour blindness: This is a type of eye defect whereby people have difficulty in distinguishing colours properly. This defect is common in males than females.
Conjunctivitis: This is an eye defect whereby itching and pains occur in the eye which eventually turns red with white discharge. It is mainly called "Apollo" in Nigeria.People who have Apollo are advised to stay indoors so as not to pass it on to others.
Below are some ways to prevent eye defects.
1.Do not read in dim light:According to Dr. Stevenson Coleman who is a British Optician, Reading in dim light over stretches the retina and these can lead to poor vision.
2.Keep dangerous objects away from the eyes.
3.If any particle gets into the eyes, wash with clean water.
4.If any particle gets into the inner part of the upper eye lids, get someone to help you blow it off.
5.Avoid staying too close to your television sets or computer devices.
6.Eat alot of foods which are rich in Vitamin A
The eye is one of the most sensitive part of the body so you have to be very careful with your eyes.
Source 1:webmd
Source 2:allaboutvision
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