4 Natural Ways To Avoid Skin Dryness

Skin dryness is one of the most common dermatological problems in the world. Skin dryness is caused by external and internal factors.Examples of some external factors that lead to dryness of the skin are:environmental exposure, excess exposure to sunlight, eczema, exposure to rough chemicals, weather.While some examples of internal factors that lead to skin dryness include:Hereditary,health condition,age.Dryness of the skin are of different
types.It could be chronic skin dryness or temporary skin dryness.Skin dryness is more common during winter because of the texture of the weather.One of the most popular factor that contributes to the causing of dry skin is bathing with harsh soaps.These harsh soaps tend to execute the natural skin oils from the skin.Malnutrition also plays a secret role in contributing to dry skin.Lack of Vitamin A in the body can lead to a Dry skin.

Dry skin can occur in both sexes at any age.Individuals diagnosed with thyroid disease and individuals who are constantly exposed to soaps,detergents and some certain deodorants are prone to developing dry skin.

However,the symptoms of skin dryness vary from one person to another.Some common symptoms of Skin dryness include: Itchiness, scaling, peeling, skin wrinkling, shallow fissures and white lines across the skin.Chronic skin dryness is very rare unlike temporary skin dryness which fades of within few weeks.
Below are some home remedies for dry skin.

1.Avoid bathing with hot water:Bathing with hot water also causes dry skin because it removes the skin oils that help to protect the skin and keep it fresh.It is highly advisable to bath with lukewarm water instead of hot water and use mild soaps that will not be too harsh on the skin.

2.Avoid rubbing your skin with force:After taking a warm bath, you should towel yourself properly and avoid using your hand to rub your skin vigorously because it can lead to skin damage.

3.Moisturize your skin properly: According to Dr. Jessica Carson, MD, moisturizing your skin will help to keep water from drying up on time and also keep the skin fresh.A natural moisturizers like Shea butter is highly recommended.

4.Vitamin C:Eat a lot of foods and fruits containing Vitamin C because Vitamin C helps the skin to absorb moisturizers that have been applied on to the body.Also, do not forget to drink alot of water as it will not just keep the body hydrated but will also keep the skin fresh and glowing.
Source 1: stylecraze

Source 2: besthealthmag


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