4 Natural Remedies For Nosebleeds

Nosebleeds can occur as a result of many things.Although nosebleeds are not life threatening conditions but it is a frightening experience. Nosebleeds are not all that common in the society.It can occur in both male and female,young and old.Nosebleeds are common mostly in elderly people and Children who have not started experiencing puberty.It is common mostly in Children because they play a lot and when playing they might fall down and hit their head, insert sharp objects into their nose and lots more.

There are two categories of nosebleeds namely:The Anterior and Posterior nosebleeds.

The Anterior nosebleeds usually come from a small blood vessel at the front if the nose.This type of nosebleeds are very easy to control.They are very common.

The posterior nosebleeds occur as a result of bleeding at the back of the nose.This type of nosebleed are serpentine and require special attention by an Otalarynologist.Posterior nosebleeds are more common in elderly people.

Some symptoms of nosebleeding include:Blood gushing out from one nostril, dizziness, fatigue, malnourishment, difficulty breathing.However, nosebleeds can also be a symptom of a disease or an infection.

Below are some natural remedies for Nosebleeds.
1.Keep your head elevated:Keeping your head elevated can help to restrain the blood from gushing out but do have it in mind that you may accidentally swallow little amount of blood.According to Dr. Zayn Fekie It is highly recommended for you to spit out the blood when it gets to your mouth because it can make you feel dizzy or possibly vomit.
2.Do not put sharp objects into your nostrils because it might cut some part of the nostrils which might result to bleeding.
3.Apply Icepack: Icepack will help to reduce the nosebleeding and as well reduce the pains too.Although not all people feel pains when having a bleeding nose.
4.Change diet:According to Dr. Fredy Whitmore who is For some people who experience nosebleeds as a result of malnourishment, it is advisable for them to consume foods and fruits that are rich Vitamin C, because it boost the effectiveness of the tissues.It is also advised for them to consume foods that are rich in Vitamin K in other to make the efficiency of the platelets which help in blood-clotting.

Source 2:medicinenet


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