4 reasons why Email marketing/advertising strategy does not work in Nigeria
1. The advantages and disadvantages of email marketing/advertisement in Nigeria,
2. 4 reasons why Email marketing/advertising does not work in Nigeria.
3. Email marketing in Nigeria, problems of email marketing in Nigeria,
4. Issues in email advertisement in Nigeria.
2. 4 reasons why Email marketing/advertising does not work in Nigeria.
3. Email marketing in Nigeria, problems of email marketing in Nigeria,
4. Issues in email advertisement in Nigeria.
Whoever told you to rely largely
on email marketing/advertorial strategy as a Nigerian Internet operator or
one that has the Nigerian “websphere” in focus must have told you a lie. Whatever
the magnitude of pros possible with email advertising strategy, when it comes
to the Nigerian online environment, the cons seem to take the lead. And when
the odds is more popular, then such is not a feasible strategy to adopt, its
best suitable for the trashcan, it just doesn’t work!
I do not intend to bore you with
much stories, so I will take it straight to the point – as one that have toed
this path in the past and I tell you, it was very unsuccessful. See reasons
below shortly. But before I proceed, let me hint if I forget to do so after dropping
my last fullstop on this message that online advertisement is a serious
business and if you have nothing to do with online advertisement, then you have
no business wasting your time on this. Shall we then proceed?
Nigerian hardly check their emails
When last did you check your
email? Oh sorry, how old is your email account? Let’s start from there as the
age of your email address coupled with your frequency of accessing the content
of your inbox folder and spam goes a long way to prove or disapprove a point
here. I guess you only check your email address when, or mostly when you have
something very important to access in your box, not so? You would not just get
to your email address without a consciousness of getting something serious from
your box or would you? So what happens to the mailing program you subscribed
to, how useful does it become to you? Maybe not that necessary – and you are
not alone as millions across this country do the same thing. Email is but an
option when it matters most – it gets dumped once the issue of priority is done
with. Hardly do Nigerians check their emails daily or frequently daily, except
it of something important, perhaps very important. This is an odd against email
advertising in Nigeria websphere. When someone only comes to realize your email
days after the service you tried to pass across had passed, is there any sense
in that? The poor web-culture of Nigerians is an issue that if not properly
checked has the potency of sending most of us offline.
It is a time waster: email databases contains numerous errors, needs exhaustive
Purchasing a Nigerian email
database is one thing, using it is strictly a different business. I know the
kind of stress I went through when I got an email database sometimes ago. I only
got to discover after purchase that most of the email addresses were not
working – some had been disabled, some contained errors, some were inoperative
and stuffs like that. It then dawned on me to sit tight and edit a database of
over 0.8million email addresses across the Nigerian federation – who would be
able to do that? For once, I did not really know what to edit and could only check
for spelling errors in the email addresses – what and herculean task! There is
hardly an email database you will buy that lacks errors of sorts. There would
always be errors and you are required to edit these. That is much work, I must
tell you.
Sending the emails is another problem: costly, ends up in clients’ spam
If at all you scale through the
ordeal of editing the email address or perhaps say you are lucky not to have
significant errors in your own database, there comes the problem of sending the
mails. I don’t think email marketing such predominantly be an individualistic
affair as it is quite costly here in Nigeria. I did not know Gmail and other
traditional email clients have restrictions on the volumes of emails possible a
day using their non-business emailing packages. When I got to know I was in a
mess, almost. So I opted for email sending programs and platforms – hardly do
you find one that is free and very efficient. Mailchimp is a good way to start –
but if you must get better services, you must pay. Other restrictions exist
like their opting for an emailing list generic to their own platform. What that
means is that you first get to have subscribers who enter their emails
willingly to forms developed by Mailchimp – no that you can use your own
emailing database you got just like that. And if that must be the case however,
you would have to pay for better services.
The use of software could be a
better option – but its cost effectiveness is another issue. Costly to setup,
costly to maintain. So what’s the point?
But that is really not where the
problem lies anyway. Paying for them to send the emails for you does not solve
it all. The question is, where do your emails land – inbox or spam? To a large
extent, spam! Generic email clients like Gmail and Yahoo have developed strict
algorithms that restrict spam emails from entering users’s inbox of last. So if
your intention is to email directly to the inbox, well that is a work of fate
as over 70% of your efforts will end up in the trashcan once the user comes on.
So what’s the need wasting all this time and it ends up wasted? I’m not saying
some would not go through; all I’m saying is that a majority would go under. It
mostly ends up in the spam folder.
Lacks specifics
Let me assume you scaled through
the above and finally your email arrived users’ inbox. Now, who gets an email
and for what purpose? The thing is, for emailing lists that is unspecified –
that is, the users interest is not specified or the emails are not properly categorized
– as often is the case with commercial email databases, who gets what and why
would they respond just like that? I am a business man involved in building
materials sales and you email me on how to create a cook Afang soup – of what
use would that necessarily be to me? It may be useful in later times but for
the moment that is not my concern. I can always buy my Afang soup and move on,
but if you emailed me on the latest trends in the building materials market
terrain in Nigeria, that would have done much good. So prioritization matters.
Commercial emailing databases
would only perhaps categorize the emails according to states of the federation
and not necessarily according to other specifics – and that is where the
problem lies – emailing people who do not necessarily need your emails.
When next you consider
advertisement of your online service within the Nigerian webspere, trash the
option of emailing from your head – it just does not work, just like bulk SMS
services here in Nigeria. I may be wrong, and I stand to be corrected by only
people who have toes this path before and it worked for them or who have a
practical idea of email marketing/advertisement. General Comments and
contributions are welcome.
Written by De Kemcy, Nigeria.
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